Source code for dynamicgem.embedding.graphFac_dynamic

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np

from dynamicgem.embedding.dynamic_graph_embedding import DynamicGraphEmbedding
from dynamicgem.utils import graph_util
from dynamicgem.utils import plot_util
from dynamicgem.visualization import plot_dynamic_sbm_embedding
from dynamicgem.graph_generation import dynamic_SBM_graph

[docs]class GraphFactorization(DynamicGraphEmbedding): """Graph Facgorization based network embedding It utilizes factorization based method to acquire the embedding of the graph nodes. Args: d (int): dimension of the embedding eta (float): learning rate of sgd regu (float): regularization coefficient of magnitude of weights beta (float): penalty parameter in matrix B of 2nd order objective n_iter (int): number of sgd iterations for first embedding (const) method_name (str): method name initEmbed (Matrix): Previous timestep embedding initialized for the current timestep Examples: >>> from dynamicgem.embedding.graphFac_dynamic import GraphFactorization >>> from dynamicgem.graph_generation import dynamic_SBM_graph >>> node_num = 100 >>> community_num = 2 >>> node_change_num = 2 >>> length = 5 >>> dynamic_sbm_series = dynamic_SBM_graph.get_random_perturbation_series_v2(node_num, community_num, length, node_change_num) >>> dynamic_embeddings = GraphFactorization(100, 100, 10, 5 * 10 ** -2, 1.0, 1.0) >>> dynamic_embeddings.learn_embeddings([g[0] for g in dynamic_sbm_series]) >>> plot_dynamic_sbm_embedding.plot_dynamic_sbm_embedding(dynamic_embeddings.get_embeddings(), dynamic_sbm_series) >>> """ def __init__(self, d, n_iter, n_iter_sub, eta, regu, kappa, initEmbed=None): """ Initialize the GraphFactorization class""" self._d = d self._eta = eta self._regu = regu self._n_iter = n_iter self._n_iter_sub = n_iter_sub self._kappa = kappa self._method_name = 'graph_factor_sgd' if initEmbed is not None: self._initEmbed = initEmbed
[docs] def get_method_name(self): """Function to return the method name. Returns: String: Name of the method. """ return self._method_name
[docs] def get_method_summary(self): """Function to return the summary of the algorithm. Returns: String: Method summary """ return '%s_%d' % (self._method_name, self._d)
[docs] def getFVal(self, adj_mtx, X, prev_step_emb=None): """Function to Factorize the adjacency matrix.""" f1 = np.linalg.norm(adj_mtx -, X.T)) ** 2 f2 = self._regu * (np.linalg.norm(X) ** 2) f3 = 0 if prev_step_emb is not None: f3 = self._kappa * ( np.linalg.norm(X[:prev_step_emb.shape[0], :prev_step_emb.shape[1]] - prev_step_emb) ** 2) # print 'Prev[0][0]: %g, curr[0][0]: %g' % (prev_step_emb[0][0], X[0][0]) return [f1, f2, f3, f1 + f2 + f3]
[docs] def learn_embedding(self, graph, prevEmbed=None): """Learns the embedding of the nodes. Attributes: graph (Object): Networkx Graph Object Returns: List: Node embeddings and time taken by the algorithm """ # pdb.set_trace() A = graph_util.transform_DiGraph_to_adj(graph) if not np.allclose(A.T, A): print("laplace eigmap approach only works for symmetric graphs!") return self._node_num = A.shape[0] edgeList = np.where(A > 0) self._num_iter = self._n_iter self._X = 0.01 * np.random.randn(self._node_num, self._d) if prevEmbed is not None: print('Initializing X_t with X_t-1') # self._X = 0.01*np.random.randn(self._node_num, self._d) self._X[:prevEmbed.shape[0], :] = np.copy(prevEmbed) self._num_iter = self._n_iter_sub # pdb.set_trace() for iter_id in range(self._num_iter): if not iter_id % 100: [f1, f2, f3, f] = self.getFVal(A, self._X, prevEmbed) print('Iter: %d, Objective value: %g, f1: %g, f2: %g, f3: %g' % (iter_id, f, f1, f2, f3)) for i, j in zip(edgeList[0], edgeList[1]): if i >= j: continue delPhi1 = -(A[i, j] -[i, :], self._X[j, :])) * self._X[j, :] delPhi2 = self._regu * self._X[i, :] delPhi3 = np.zeros(self._d) if prevEmbed is not None and i < prevEmbed.shape[0]: delPhi3 = self._kappa * (self._X[i, :] - prevEmbed[i, :]) delPhi = delPhi1 + delPhi2 + delPhi3 self._X[i, :] -= self._eta * delPhi # if prevEmbed is not None: # print '(i, j) = (%d, %d)' % (i, j) if not iter_id % 100: print('Iter: %d, Del values: %g, del_f1: %g, del_f2: %g, del_f3: %g' % ( iter_id, delPhi[0], delPhi1[0], delPhi2[0], delPhi3[0])) return self._X
[docs] def learn_embeddings(self, graphs, prevStepInfo=False): """Learning the graph embedding from the adjcency matrix. Args: graphs: the graphs to embed in networkx DiGraph format """ self._kappas = self._kappa if prevStepInfo: self._Xs = [np.copy(self.learn_embedding(graphs[0], self._initEmbed))] else: self._Xs = [np.copy(self.learn_embedding(graphs[0]))] for i in range(1, len(graphs)): # pdb.set_trace() X_curr = graph_util.transform_DiGraph_to_adj(graphs[i]) X_prev = graph_util.transform_DiGraph_to_adj(graphs[i - 1]) delX = abs(X_curr - X_prev) beta = 0.01 M_g = np.eye(X_curr.shape[0]) - beta * delX M_l = beta * delX #, delX)# S =, M_l) S_sum = np.sum(S, 1) S_sum[S_sum == 0] = 0.01 self._kappas = self._kappa / S_sum self._eta /= 10 self._Xs.append(np.copy(self.learn_embedding(graphs[i], self._Xs[i - 1]))) return self._Xs
[docs] def get_embedding(self): """Function to return a single graph embedding""" return self._X
[docs] def get_embeddings(self): """Function to return the whole tempral graphs embeddings""" return self._Xs
[docs] def get_edge_weight(self, i, j): """Function to get edge weight. Attributes: i (int): source node for the edge. j (int): target node for the edge. embed (Matrix): Embedding values of all the nodes. filesuffix (str): File suffix to be used to load the embedding. Returns: Float: Weight of the given edge. """ return[i, :], self._X[j, :])
[docs] def get_reconstructed_adj(self, X=None): """Function to reconstruct the adjacency list for the given node. Attributes: node_l (int): node for which the adjacency list will be created. embed (Matrix): Embedding values of all the nodes. filesuffix (str): File suffix to be used to load the embedding. Returns: List : Adjacency list of the given node. """ if X is not None: self._X = X self._node_num = X.shape[0] adj_mtx_r = np.zeros((self._node_num, self._node_num)) # G_r is the reconstructed graph for v_i in range(self._node_num): for v_j in range(self._node_num): if v_i == v_j: continue adj_mtx_r[v_i, v_j] = self.get_edge_weight(v_i, v_j) return adj_mtx_r