Source code for dynamicgem.embedding.incrementalSVD

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from time import time

from dynamicgem.embedding.static_graph_embedding import StaticGraphEmbedding
from dynamicgem.visualization import plot_dynamic_sbm_embedding
from dynamicgem.utils import graph_util, plot_util, dataprep_util
from dynamicgem.utils.sdne_utils import *
from dynamicgem.utils import timers_utils as tu

[docs]class incSVD(StaticGraphEmbedding): """Incremental Singular Value Decomposition Utilizes the incremental SVD decomposition to acquire the embedding of the nodes. Args: Args: K (int): dimension of the embedding theta (float): threshold for rerun datafile (str): location of the data file length (int) : total timesteps of the data nodemigraiton (int): number of nodes to migrate for sbm_cd datatype resultdir (str): directory to save the result datatype (str): sbm_cd, enron, academia, hep, AS Examples: >>> from dynamicgem.embedding.incrementalSVD import incSVD >>> from dynamicgem.graph_generation import dynamic_SBM_graph >>> node_num = 100 >>> community_num = 2 >>> node_change_num = 2 >>> length =5 >>> resultdir='./results_link_all' >>> dynamic_sbm_series = dynamic_SBM_graph.get_community_diminish_series_v2(node_num, community_num, length, 1, node_change_num) >>> graphs = [g[0] for g in dynamic_sbm_series] >>> datafile = dataprep_util.prep_input_TIMERS(graphs, length, args.testDataType) >>> embedding = incSVD(K=16, Theta=0.5, datafile=datafile, length=length, nodemigration=node_change_num, resultdir=resultdir, datatype='sbm_cd' ) >>> outdir_tmp = './output' >>> if not os.path.exists(outdir_tmp): >>> os.mkdir(outdir_tmp) >>> outdir_tmp = outdir_tmp + '/sbm_cd' >>> if not os.path.exists(outdir_tmp): >>> os.mkdir(outdir_tmp) >>> if not os.path.exists(outdir_tmp + '/incrementalSVD'): >>> os.mkdir(outdir_tmp + '/incrementalSVD') >>> embedding.learn_embedding() >>> outdir = resultdir >>> if not os.path.exists(outdir): >>> os.mkdir(outdir) >>> outdir = outdir + '/' + args.testDataType >>> if not os.path.exists(outdir): >>> os.mkdir(outdir) >>> embedding.get_embedding(outdir_tmp, 'incrementalSVD') # embedding.plotresults() >>> outdir1 = outdir + '/incrementalSVD' >>> if not os.path.exists(outdir1): >>> os.mkdir(outdir1) >>> lp.expstaticLP_TIMERS(dynamic_sbm_series, graphs, embedding, 1, outdir1 + '/', 'nm' + str(args.nodemigration) + '_l' + str(length) + '_emb' + str(int(dim_emb)), ) """ def __init__(self, *hyper_dict, **kwargs): hyper_params = { 'method_name': 'TIMERS', 'modelfile': None, 'weightfile': None, 'savefilesuffix': None } # pdb.set_trace() hyper_params.update(kwargs) for key in hyper_params.keys(): self.__setattr__('_%s' % key, hyper_params[key]) # for dictionary in hyper_dict: # for key in dictionary: # self.__setattr__('_%s' % key, dictionary[key])
[docs] def get_method_name(self): """Function to return the method name. Returns: String: Name of the method. """ return self._method_name
[docs] def get_method_summary(self): """Function to return the summary of the algorithm. Returns: String: Method summary """ return '%s' % (self._method_name)
[docs] def learn_embedding(self, graph=None): """Learns the embedding of the nodes. Attributes: graph (Object): Networkx Graph Object Returns: List: Node embeddings and time taken by the algorithm """ timers = tu.incrementalSVD(self._datafile, self._K // 2, self._Theta, self._datatype)
[docs] def plotresults(self, dynamic_sbm_series): """Function to plot the results""" plt.figure() plt.clf() plot_dynamic_sbm_embedding.plot_dynamic_sbm_embedding_v2(self._X[-5:-1], dynamic_sbm_series[-5:]) resultdir = self._resultdir + '/' + self._datatype if not os.path.exists(resultdir): os.mkdir(resultdir) resultdir = resultdir + '/' + self._method if not os.path.exists(resultdir): os.mkdir(resultdir) # plt.savefig('./'+resultdir+'/V_'+self._method+'_nm'+str(self._nodemigration)+'_l'+str(self._length)+'_theta'+str(theta)+'_emb'+str(self._K*2)+'.pdf',bbox_inches='tight',dpi=600)
# plt.close()
[docs] def get_embedding(self, outdir_tmp, method): """Function to return the embeddings""" self._outdir_tmp = outdir_tmp self._method = method self._X = dataprep_util.getemb_TIMERS(self._outdir_tmp, int(self._length), int(self._K // 2), self._method) return self._X
[docs] def get_edge_weight(self, t, i, j): """Function to get edge weight. Attributes: i (int): source node for the edge. j (int): target node for the edge. embed (Matrix): Embedding values of all the nodes. filesuffix (str): File suffix to be used to load the embedding. Returns: Float: Weight of the given edge. """ try: return[t][i, :int(self._K // 2)], self._X[t][j, int(self._K // 2):]) except Exception as e: print(e.message, e.args) pdb.set_trace()
[docs] def get_reconstructed_adj(self, t, X=None, node_l=None): """Function to reconstruct the adjacency list for the given node. Attributes: node_l (int): node for which the adjacency list will be created. embed (Matrix): Embedding values of all the nodes. filesuffix (str): File suffix to be used to load the embedding. Returns: List : Adjacency list of the given node. """ if X is not None: node_num = X.shape[0] # self._X = X else: node_num = self._node_num adj_mtx_r = np.zeros((node_num, node_num)) for v_i in range(node_num): for v_j in range(node_num): if v_i == v_j: continue adj_mtx_r[v_i, v_j] = self.get_edge_weight(t, v_i, v_j) return adj_mtx_r
[docs] def predict_next_adj(self, t, node_l=None): """Function to predict the next adjacency for the given node. Attributes: node_l (int): node for which the adjacency list will be created. Returns: List: Reconstructed adjancey list. """ if node_l is not None: return self.get_reconstructed_adj(t, node_l) else: return self.get_reconstructed_adj(t)