Source code for dynamicgem.evaluation.evaluate_graph_reconstruction

try: import cPickle as pickle
except: import pickle
from dynamicgem.evaluation import metrics 
from dynamicgem.utils import evaluation_util, graph_util
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np

[docs]def evaluateStaticGraphReconstruction(digraph, graph_embedding, X_stat, node_l=None, sample_ratio_e=None, file_suffix=None, is_undirected=True, is_weighted=False): """Function to evaluate static graph reconstruction Attributes: digraph (Object): Networkx Graph Object graph_embedding (object): Algorithm for learning graph embedding X_stat (ndarray): Embedding values of the graph. node_l (int): Total number of nodes. sammple_ratio_e (float): SAmpling ration for testing. Only sample number of nodes are tested. file_suffix (str): Suffix for file name. is_undirected (bool): Flag to denote if the graph is directed. is_weighted (bool): Flag denoting if the graph has weighted edge. Returns: ndarray: MAP, precision curve, error values and error baselines """ node_num = digraph.number_of_nodes() # evaluation if sample_ratio_e: eval_edge_pairs = evaluation_util.getRandomEdgePairs( node_num, sample_ratio_e, is_undirected ) else: eval_edge_pairs = None if file_suffix is None: estimated_adj = graph_embedding.get_reconstructed_adj(X_stat, node_l) else: estimated_adj = graph_embedding.get_reconstructed_adj( X_stat, node_l, file_suffix ) predicted_edge_list = evaluation_util.getEdgeListFromAdjMtx( estimated_adj, is_undirected=is_undirected, edge_pairs=eval_edge_pairs ) MAP = metrics.computeMAP(predicted_edge_list, digraph) prec_curv, _ = metrics.computePrecisionCurve(predicted_edge_list, digraph) # If weighted, compute the error in reconstructed weights of observed edges if is_weighted: digraph_adj = nx.to_numpy_matrix(digraph) estimated_adj[digraph_adj == 0] = 0 err = np.linalg.norm(digraph_adj - estimated_adj) err_baseline = np.linalg.norm(digraph_adj) else: err = None err_baseline = None return (MAP, prec_curv, err, err_baseline)
[docs]def expGR(digraph, graph_embedding, X, n_sampled_nodes, rounds, res_pre, m_summ, file_suffix=None, is_undirected=True, sampling_scheme="rw"): """Function to evaluate graph reconstruction Attributes: digraph (Object): Networkx Graph Object graph_embedding (object): Algorithm for learning graph embedding X_stat (ndarray): Embedding values of the graph. n_sampled_nodes (int): Total number of nodes. rounds (int): Number of times to run the experiment res_pre (str): prefix to be used to store the result. m_summ (str): summary to be used to save the result. file_suffix (str): Suffix for file name. is_undirected (bool): Flag to denote if the graph is directed. sampling_scheme(str): sampling scheme for selecting the nodes. Returns: ndarray: Mean Average precision """ print('\tGraph Reconstruction') n_sampled_nodes = int(n_sampled_nodes) summ_file = open('%s_%s.grsumm' % (res_pre, m_summ), 'w') summ_file.write('Method\t%s\n' % metrics.getMetricsHeader()) if digraph.number_of_nodes() <= n_sampled_nodes: rounds = 1 MAP = [None] * rounds prec_curv = [None] * rounds err = [None] * rounds err_b = [None] * rounds n_nodes = [None] * rounds n_edges = [None] * rounds for round_id in range(rounds): if sampling_scheme == "u_rand": sampled_digraph, node_l = graph_util.sample_graph( digraph, n_sampled_nodes=n_sampled_nodes ) else: sampled_digraph, node_l = graph_util.sample_graph_rw_int( digraph, n_sampled_nodes=n_sampled_nodes ) n_nodes[round_id] = sampled_digraph.number_of_nodes() n_edges[round_id] = sampled_digraph.number_of_edges() print('\t\tRound: %d, n_nodes: %d, n_edges:%d\n' % (round_id, n_nodes[round_id], n_edges[round_id])) sampled_X = X[node_l] # sampled_X = np.expand_dims(sampled_X,axis=1) MAP[round_id], prec_curv[round_id], err[round_id], err_b[round_id] = \ evaluateStaticGraphReconstruction(sampled_digraph, graph_embedding, sampled_X, node_l, file_suffix= file_suffix, is_undirected=is_undirected ) try: summ_file.write('Err: %f/%f\n' % (np.mean(err), np.std(err))) summ_file.write('Err_b: %f/%f\n' % (np.mean(err_b), np.std(err_b))) except TypeError: pass summ_file.write('%f/%f\t%s\n' % (np.mean(MAP), np.std(MAP), metrics.getPrecisionReport(prec_curv[0], n_edges[0]))) pickle.dump([n_nodes, n_edges, MAP, prec_curv, err, err_b], open('' % (res_pre, m_summ), 'wb')) return np.mean(np.array(MAP))