Source code for dynamicgem.graph_generation.dynamic_SBM_graph

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import random
import networkx as nx
import operator
import sys

from dynamicgem.graph_generation import SBM_graph
from dynamicgem.utils import graph_util

function_mapping = {'degree': nx.degree_centrality,
                    'eigenvector': nx.eigenvector_centrality,
                    'katz': nx.katz_centrality,
                    'closeness': nx.closeness_centrality,
                    'betweenness': nx.betweenness_centrality,
                    'load': nx.load_centrality,
                    'harmonic': nx.harmonic_centrality}

def _resample_egde_for_node(sbm_graph, node_id):
    """Function to resample the nodes
               sbm_graph (Object): Networkx Graph Object
               node_id (int): Id of the node to resample
    if sbm_graph._graph is None:
        n = sbm_graph._node_num
        for i in range(n):
            if i == node_id:
            if sbm_graph._graph.has_edge(node_id, i):
                sbm_graph._graph.remove_edge(node_id, i)
                sbm_graph._graph.remove_edge(i, node_id)
            prob = sbm_graph._B[sbm_graph._node_community[node_id], sbm_graph._node_community[i]]
            if np.random.uniform() <= prob:
                sbm_graph._graph.add_edge(node_id, i)
                sbm_graph._graph.add_edge(i, node_id)

def _resample_egde_for_node_v2(sbm_graph, node_id):
    """Function to resample the nodes
               sbm_graph (Object): Networkx Graph Object
               node_id (int): Id of the node to resample
    if sbm_graph._graph is None:
        n = sbm_graph._node_num
        for i in range(n):
            if i == node_id or sbm_graph._node_community[i] == sbm_graph._node_community[node_id]:
                if np.random.uniform() <= 0.04 and not sbm_graph._graph.has_edge(node_id, i):
                    sbm_graph._graph.add_edge(node_id, i)
                    sbm_graph._graph.add_edge(i, node_id)
            if sbm_graph._graph.has_edge(node_id, i):
                prob = sbm_graph._B[sbm_graph._node_community[node_id], sbm_graph._node_community[i]]
                if np.random.uniform() >= prob:
                    sbm_graph._graph.remove_edge(node_id, i)
                    sbm_graph._graph.remove_edge(i, node_id)
            # prob = sbm_graph._B[sbm_graph._node_community[node_id], sbm_graph._node_community[i]] 
            # if np.random.uniform() <= prob:
            #     sbm_graph._graph.add_edge(node_id, i)
            #     sbm_graph._graph.add_edge(i, node_id)                

[docs]def dyn_node_chng(sbm_graph, node_id): """Function to dynamically change the nodes Attributes: sbm_graph (Object): Networkx Graph Object node_id (int): Id of the node to resample """ if sbm_graph._graph is None: sbm_graph.sample_graph() else: n = sbm_graph._node_num for i in range(n): if i == node_id: continue if sbm_graph._node_community[i] != sbm_graph._node_community[node_id]: if not sbm_graph._graph.has_edge(node_id, i): prob = 0.1 if np.random.uniform() <= prob: sbm_graph._graph.add_edge(node_id, i) sbm_graph._graph.add_edge(i, node_id) else: if sbm_graph._graph.has_edge(node_id, i): prob = 0.1 if np.random.uniform() <= prob: sbm_graph._graph.remove_edge(node_id, i) sbm_graph._graph.remove_edge(i, node_id)
[docs]def dyn_node_chng_v2(sbm_graph, node_id): """Function to dynamically change the nodes Attributes: sbm_graph (Object): Networkx Graph Object node_id (int): Id of the node to resample """ if sbm_graph._graph is None: sbm_graph.sample_graph() else: n = sbm_graph._node_num othercommnodes = [i for i in range(n) if sbm_graph._node_community[i] != sbm_graph._node_community[node_id] if not sbm_graph._graph.has_edge(node_id, i)] edgesnodes = random.sample(othercommnodes, 30) for i in edgesnodes: sbm_graph._graph.add_edge(node_id, i) sbm_graph._graph.add_edge(i, node_id) for i in range(n): if i == node_id: continue if sbm_graph._node_community[i] == sbm_graph._node_community[node_id]: if sbm_graph._graph.has_edge(node_id, i): prob = 0.1 if np.random.uniform() <= prob: sbm_graph._graph.remove_edge(node_id, i) sbm_graph._graph.remove_edge(i, node_id)
[docs]def random_node_perturbation(sbm_graph, nodes_to_purturb): """Function to randomly perturb the nodes Attributes: sbm_graph (Object): Networkx Graph Object nodes_to_purturb (int): Number of nodes to perturb """ n = sbm_graph._node_num # Add a function to give perturbed_nodes based on adifferent criterias perturb_nodes = random.sample(range(n), nodes_to_purturb) for node_id in perturb_nodes: new_community = sbm_graph._node_community[node_id] while new_community == sbm_graph._node_community[node_id]: new_community = random.sample(range(sbm_graph._community_num), 1)[0] print('Node %d change from community %d to %d' % (node_id, sbm_graph._node_community[node_id], new_community)) sbm_graph._node_community[node_id] = new_community for node_id in perturb_nodes: _resample_egde_for_node(sbm_graph, node_id) return perturb_nodes
[docs]def diminish_community(sbm_graph, community_id, nodes_to_purturb, criteria, criteria_r): """Function to diminsh the SBM community Attributes: sbm_graph (Object): Networkx Graph Object community_id (int): Community to diminish criteria (str): Criteria used to diminish the community criteria_r (bool): Used to sort the nodes in reverse once order based on criteria nodes_to_purturb (int): Number of nodes to perturb """ n = sbm_graph._node_num community_nodes = [i for i in range(n) if sbm_graph._node_community[i] == community_id] nodes_to_purturb = min(len(community_nodes), nodes_to_purturb) labels = {} try: function = function_mapping[criteria] if criteria == 'katz': G_cen = function(sbm_graph._graph, alpha=0.01) else: G_cen = function(sbm_graph._graph) except KeyError: print(criteria, 'is an invalid input! Using degree_centrality instead.') G_cen = nx.degree_centrality(sbm_graph._graph) pass G_cen = sorted(G_cen.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=criteria_r) perturb_nodes = [] count = 0 i = 0 while count < nodes_to_purturb: if sbm_graph._node_community[G_cen[i][0]] == community_id: perturb_nodes.append(G_cen[i][0]) count += 1 i += 1 node_plot = [] count = 0 i = 0 while count < 20: if sbm_graph._node_community[G_cen[i][0]] == community_id: node_plot.append(G_cen[i][0]) count += 1 i += 1 node_plot_reverse = [] count = 0 i = len(G_cen) - 1 while count < 20: if sbm_graph._node_community[G_cen[i][0]] == community_id: node_plot_reverse.append(G_cen[i][0]) count += 1 i -= 1 for i, nid in enumerate(perturb_nodes): labels[nid] = str("{0:.2f}".format(G_cen[i][1])) del G_cen # perturb_nodes = random.sample(community_nodes, nodes_to_purturb) left_communitis = [i for i in range(sbm_graph._community_num) if i != community_id] for node_id in perturb_nodes: new_community = random.sample(left_communitis, 1)[0] print('Node %d change from community %d to %d' % (node_id, sbm_graph._node_community[node_id], new_community)) sbm_graph._node_community[node_id] = new_community for node_id in perturb_nodes: _resample_egde_for_node(sbm_graph, node_id) return perturb_nodes, labels, node_plot, node_plot_reverse
[docs]def diminish_community_v2(sbm_graph, community_id, nodes_to_purturb, chngnodes): """Function to diminsh the SBM community Attributes: sbm_graph (Object): Networkx Graph Object community_id (int): Community to diminish nodes_to_purturb (int): Number of nodes to perturb chngnodes (list): List of nodes that is perturbed """ n = sbm_graph._node_num community_nodes = [i for i in range(n) if sbm_graph._node_community[i] == community_id] nodes_to_purturb = min(len(community_nodes), nodes_to_purturb) perturb_nodes = chngnodes # pos=nx.spring_layout(sbm_graph._graph) # color=['y','b'] # plt.figure() # plt.subplot(311) # nx.draw_networkx_nodes(sbm_graph._graph,pos,node_size=500,node_color=[color[sbm_graph._node_community[p]] for p in sbm_graph._graph.nodes()]) # nx.draw_networkx_edges(sbm_graph._graph,pos,arrows=False,width=1.0,alpha=0.5) # nx.draw_networkx_labels(sbm_graph._graph,pos,font_size=8) left_communitis = [i for i in range(sbm_graph._community_num) if i != community_id] for node_id in perturb_nodes: new_community = random.sample(left_communitis, 1)[0] print('Node %d change from community %d to %d' % (node_id, sbm_graph._node_community[node_id], new_community)) sbm_graph._node_community[node_id] = new_community for node_id in perturb_nodes: _resample_egde_for_node_v2(sbm_graph, node_id) # plt.subplot(312) # nx.draw_networkx_nodes(sbm_graph._graph,pos,node_size=500,node_color=[color[sbm_graph._node_community[p]] for p in sbm_graph._graph.nodes()]) # nx.draw_networkx_edges(sbm_graph._graph,pos,arrows=False,width=1.0,alpha=0.5) # nx.draw_networkx_labels(sbm_graph._graph,pos,font_size=8) # G_cen= nx.degree_centrality(sbm_graph._graph) # G_cen = sorted(G_cen.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1),reverse = False) # chngnodes=[] # count = 0 # i = 0 # while count<nodes_to_purturb: # if sbm_graph._node_community[G_cen[i][0]]==community_id: # chngnodes.append(G_cen[i][0]) # count+=1 # i+=1 nodes = [i for i in range(n) if sbm_graph._node_community[i] == community_id] chngnodes = random.sample(nodes, nodes_to_purturb) for node_id in chngnodes: dyn_node_chng_v2(sbm_graph, node_id) # print("Changed Nodes: ",chngnodes) # plt.subplot(313) # nx.draw_networkx_nodes(sbm_graph._graph,pos,node_size=500,node_color=[color[sbm_graph._node_community[p]] for p in sbm_graph._graph.nodes()]) # nx.draw_networkx_edges(sbm_graph._graph,pos,arrows=False,width=1.0,alpha=0.5) # nx.draw_networkx_labels(sbm_graph._graph,pos,font_size=8) # return perturb_nodes, chngnodes
[docs]def get_random_perturbation_series(node_num, community_num, length, nodes_to_purturb): """Function to get random perturbation Attributes: node_num (int): Total number of nodes community_num (int): Total number of community nodes_to_purturb (int): Number of nodes to perturb length (int): Length of the graph sequence """ my_graph = SBM_graph.SBMGraph(node_num, community_num) my_graph.sample_graph() graphs = [my_graph._graph.copy()] nodes_comunities = [my_graph._node_community[:]] perturbations = [[]] for i in range(length - 1): print('Step %d' % i) perturb_nodes = random_node_perturbation(my_graph, nodes_to_purturb) graphs.append(my_graph._graph.copy()) nodes_comunities.append(my_graph._node_community[:]) perturbations.append(perturb_nodes) return zip(graphs, nodes_comunities, perturbations)
[docs]def get_community_diminish_series(node_num, community_num, length, community_id, nodes_to_purturb, criteria, criteria_r): """Function to get diminshing community series Attributes: node_num (int): Total number of nodes community_num (int): Total number of community nodes_to_purturb (int): Number of nodes to perturb length (int): Length of the graph sequence community_id (int): Community to diminish criteria (str): Criteria used to diminish the community criteria_r (bool): Used to sort the nodes in reverse once order based on criteria """ my_graph = SBM_graph.SBMGraph(node_num, community_num, community_id, nodes_to_purturb) my_graph.sample_graph_v3() chngnodes = my_graph._chngnodes graphs = [my_graph._graph.copy()] nodes_comunities = [my_graph._node_community[:]] perturbations = [[]] nodes_plot = [[]] nodes_plot_reverse = [[]] labels = [[]] for i in range(length - 1): print('Step %d' % i) perturb_nodes, label, node_plot, node_plot_reverse, chngnodes = diminish_community_v2(my_graph, community_id, nodes_to_purturb, criteria, criteria_r, chngnodes) print("purturbed nodes") print(perturb_nodes) print("changed nodes") print(chngnodes) graphs.append(my_graph._graph.copy()) nodes_comunities.append(my_graph._node_community[:]) perturbations.append(perturb_nodes) labels.append(label) nodes_plot.append(node_plot) nodes_plot_reverse.append(node_plot_reverse) return zip(graphs, nodes_comunities, perturbations, labels, nodes_plot, nodes_plot_reverse)
[docs]def get_community_diminish_series_v2(node_num, community_num, length, community_id, nodes_to_purturb, ): """Function to get diminishing community series Attributes: node_num (int): Total number of nodes community_num (int): Total number of community nodes_to_purturb (int): Number of nodes to perturb length (int): Length of the graph sequence community_id (int): Community to diminish """ my_graph = SBM_graph.SBMGraph(node_num, community_num, community_id, nodes_to_purturb) my_graph.sample_graph_v3() chngnodes = my_graph._chngnodes graphs = [my_graph._graph.copy()] nodes_comunities = [my_graph._node_community[:]] perturbations = [[]] dyn_change_nodes = [[]] for i in range(length - 1): print('Step %d' % i) print("Migrating Nodes") print(chngnodes) perturb_nodes, chngnodes = diminish_community_v2(my_graph, community_id, nodes_to_purturb, chngnodes) print("Dynamically changed nodes") print(chngnodes) perturbations.append(perturb_nodes) dyn_change_nodes.append(chngnodes) graphs.append(my_graph._graph.copy()) nodes_comunities.append(my_graph._node_community[:]) return zip(graphs, nodes_comunities, perturbations, dyn_change_nodes)
[docs]def drawGraph(node_num, community_num): """Function to draw the graphs""" my_graph = SBM_graph.SBMGraph(node_num, community_num) my_graph.sample_graph() graphs = [my_graph._graph.copy()] nx.draw(graphs)
if __name__ == '__main__': node_num = 100 community_num = 2 node_change_num = 5 length = 5 get_community_diminish_series_v2(50, 2, 4, 1, 5) # drawGraph(node_num, community_num) # prefix = 'data/synthetic/dynamic_SBM/node_pertuabtion_%d_%d_%d' % (node_num, community_num, node_change_num) # dynamic_sbm_series = get_random_perturbation_series(node_num, community_num, length, node_change_num) # graph_util.saveDynamicSBmGraph(prefix, dynamic_sbm_series) # prefix = 'data/synthetic/dynamic_SBM/community_diminish_%d_%d_%d' % (node_num, community_num, node_change_num) # dynamic_sbm_series = get_community_diminish_series(node_num, community_num, length, 1, node_change_num) # graph_util.saveDynamicSBmGraph(prefix, dynamic_sbm_series)